Email Marketing: The #1 Secret Of The Tiny List Millionaire


“It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes


Don’t believe the HYPE! You don’t need a BIG email list to become financially independent. Here you will discover the one simple secret to dominating your niche and making a 5-figure income and beyond with your tiny list.

We all know that making a consistent income on the internet requires an email list. There is no way around it.

Unless you are into paying to continuously attract new customers, and hope that they like your blog enough to buy whatever it is that you’re selling as soon as they see it.

Well since the average blog or website visitor only spends about 5 seconds scanning titles and bullet points to see if your blog is even worth their time, I am going to have to say that this is not a good strategy.

That is why it is important to have a way to capture emails of those visitors who may be genially interested in your information and want to know more.

Large companies like apple have this type of marketing down to a crucial science. They have millions of loyal customers who they keep in constant contact with.

steve jobsLet’s face it these corporate giants like Steve Jobs are our idols and we try to follow in their footsteps, but when it comes to going BIG the average internet marketer often has a tendency of biting off more than he can chew.

For a newbie trying to build HUGE email list in the beginning is not very smart! You see there are a lot of lessons that come with email marketing.

That is why it is very important to take it slow and learn as much as you can as you go. Understanding that you don’t need a BIG list of email subscribers to support the kind of lifestyle you want is very important.

Ordinary people are making a 5-figure a month income with a list of a few hundred subscribers.


Well, with one simple secret… raving fans!

How To Turn Ordinary Blog Readers Into Raving Fans

kevin kelly picIn 2008 Kevin Kelly, the founding editor of Wired magazine, came up with a theory known as “Your 1,000 True Fans”.

His hypothesis was simple.

An artist of any kind can survive off 1,000 true fans. You see, the theory is that since returns decrease as an audience gets larger… popularity begins to thin out.

Making your first 1,000 fans the most die hard!

Your 1,000 true fans are the bread and butter of any good business. They should be given your best content for free, treated with respect, their questions and emails should be answered quickly.

And in return you will get incredible loyalty!

These are the people who will buy your product without persuasion no matter what it cost. They will open all of your emails, and take the time to read all your blog post.

They will be more than happy to help you spread your message. Like and share your social media content.

They will drive new customers to your products without you even asking them to and best of all, if an internet TROLL tries to leave you a nasty comment they will be the first to defend you.

Raving fans are the best and you only need a few to be successful.


Budget Thinking For Budget Results

Most of us start an internet business because we need money, so getting the most from your tiny budget should be top priority for any newbie.

One of the things that make the internet so wonderful these days is that there are many free tools and open source platforms that make saving money possible.

However, one area of your business that you should never attempt to cut corners with is your email marketing.

I personally don’t choose to use the free email services, but in all fairness if you are considering choosing the free route, then you should find this next section helpful.


What Are Some FREE Resources


There are free WP plug-ins like ARGWA Free auto-responder that will give your email campaign auto-responder capabilities… even double opt-in!

Here is the official website that you can check out if you are interested in learning more information about the ARGWA plug-in.

Click Here To Learn More!


listwireA free platform that provides auto-responder serves is Listwire. This is an easy platform to use and it has all the bells and whistles of a basic paid auto-responder.

To learn more about Listwire visit:



What Could Possibly Go Wrong By Being Cheap?

You’ve heard the old saying you get what you pay for. It sounds cheesy, but those words are so true.

Software is only as good as the people who develop it and the ones who operate it. Some of the most respected companies experience complications due to bugs and viruses.

So, it should be obvious to you that these kinds of disasters could happen very easily to a free software or plug-in.

Entire systems crash and customers get burned. In a nutshell, when you use a free auto-responder you are taking the risk of losing valuable data that could kill your business.

In trusting the most valuable part of your business to a free platform is not a very responsible thing to do especially when you don’t have to.

Keeping in touch with your customers and building relationships by sending useful content and staying in constant contact on a regular schedule, is something only a good auto-responder can do for you without hassle.

Can you imagine your free auto-responder suddenly getting hit with a virus and shutting down because of financial trouble or getting knocked offline during a thunder storm and you loosing 1,000s of hungry subscribers just like that.

Yes this happened to me. In the early stages of my business I didn’t look at email marketing the way I do now.

I didn’t think it was that important, so I went with a free option, and paid the price. Don’t be like me… Be smart!


How-To Do Auto-Responding The Right Way

1000 trueWhen building an email list you want to use a good auto-responder service. I use Aweber. They have a great reputation online for being reliable and for having excellent customer service.

Aweber charges $19 Bucks a month to host 500 subscribers, and you can get a one month trial offer for $1.

So as you can see, using an auto-responder service is not that expensive, but if you are paying $20 a month for a list of 500 subscribes that only contain maybe 3 serious buyers, then you are throwing money away.

That is why you need to be careful about who you attract to you list. You should only go after highly targeted leads that are proven buyers.

There are several ways to do this and I will share a couple of techniques with you that I use in the next section.


How To Guarantee a List of Buyers

Building a list of guaranteed buyers can be done in many ways. Here are two of my favorites.

Method One

brokers2You can almost guarantee a pretty good conversion rate if you look for a list broker and buy a list of subscribers who have recently bought a product or service that is similar to what you are selling. These are prospects that have already shown an interest in your niche, so you just have to present them with a great offer.


Method Two

seoYou can use the S.E.O. method to drive people to your email capture page. When people sign up you could offer what is called a “no brainer product” to anyone who subscribes to your list.

Are you unfamiliar with how to do S.E.O.? Checkout this video… Click Here!

O.K. let’s talk a bit more about these two methods.

Method one is a paid strategy and must be approached with caution, because there are many scam artist online who make BIG claims, but don’t deliver.

Your best bet is to go on Facebook and search for groups that sell solo ads. There you can see honest comments and ratings about each seller and you can communicate with their previous customers.

Now let’s discuss method two a little more.

This has to be the most ingenious method ever invented for solving this problem. Not only because this method is free, but because you are getting the most out of your auto-responder.


You see, with this method you are catching your subscribers while they are at the peak of their interest.

By subscribing to your list to get the free item, they are showing real interest, so if at this time you offer a low cost upgrade the chances are very high that they will buy.

Step 1. Drive free targeted traffic from google search to your email capture page using the S.E.O. method.

Step 2. Offer a lead magnet (eBook, or Checklist) for free.

Step 3. On the “thank you page” offer a no brainer purchase (Video or Small eCourse) that is directly related to the freebie.

Offering a related no brainer product right after they sign up to get the lead magnet will dramatically BOOST your sales instantly!


First of all — What the Hell is a “No Brainer Purchase”. It sounds fancy, but it’s just a product that is directly related to the lead magnet that you offer for a discount price for only a limited time.


spanishLet’s say you have a blog that teaches Spanish to Americans. Your lead magnet could be an eBook of “The 20 Most Common and Easy to Learn Spanish Phases”.

On the thank you page after they have opted-in to get that eBook you can offer your no brainer purchase.

A video of you speaking and demonstrating how to properly pronounce all of the phases in the eBook and 20 bonus phases for only $5.

You are giving them an upgrade to more value for a low price that is why it is a no brainer.
The price range that I stick to is $5 – $15… No more than that for my no brainer offer!

Don’t worry about selling a product for such a low price. You are not trying to get rich with this sale. You are just trying to locate the buyers.

You see, research has proven that the best customers are people who have already purchased from you in the past.

If your content is good and helps them solve a problem or pain, then they will like and trust you.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to discover in the world of email marketing.


buyers listI hope this post was helpful. If you want to learn more about email marketing techniques checkout my free course “Buyers Lists Profits Pro PDF & Video Training“.

Get Instant Access To A Step-By-Step Video Training That Shows You How To Build “Buyers Lists” And Build Your “Brand”, The Lazy Way!

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